ACS Group CSR Strategy & Policy
The ACS Group is positioned as a world leader in the infrastructure development industry, with a clear and defined mission.
Improving society, generating wealth to guarantee the wellbeing of the citizens it serves, in the final analysis, is a primordial part of the ACS Group’s mission.
he ACS Group’s commitment to society is summarized in four fields of action:
- Respect for ethics, integrity and professionalism in the Group’s relationship with its Stakeholders.
- Respect for the social, economic and environmental setting.
- Promotion of innovation and research in its application to infrastructure development.
- Creation of employment and well-being, as an economic motor for society.
This performance and all the Group’s activities are impregnated with the corporate values that ACS has developed over its 30 years of history and form the basis of the actions of all the Group’s employees:
- Achieving Profitability
- Respecting Integrity
- Commitment to their work
- Seeking the client’s trust
- Excellence in their professional activities
- ACS Group CSR Policy
The Board of Directors of ACS, Actividades de Construcción y Servicios S.A, has approved the Sustainability Policy to establish the basic and specific principles for action for ACS, Actividades de Construcción y Servicios S.A. and Group companies in this matter, as well as in the Group’s relationship with its setting.
The ACS Group defines stakeholders as groups with the capacity to have an influence on the achievement of the organisation’s objectives. Outstanding among these are its:
- clients
- employees
- suppliers
- shareholders
and the infrastructure users who benefit from its policies related to:
- quality
- innovation
- social action
- environment
The basic principles for action of the ACS Group in relation to its stakeholders and the environment are based on complying with the national and international laws and regulations in force in the countries where it operates, as well as fulfilling the international commitments related to corporate social responsibility voluntarily subscribed to by the ACS Group. The Group also commits to carrying out all its business following the fundamental principles of:
- transparency
- ethics
- integrity