CSR holds more and more weight in AYMA current business environment

CSR holds more and more weight in AYMA current business environment

At AYMA we always like to go hand in hand with changes in society. Corporate social responsibility thus holds more and more weight in our current business environment, and that is one of the main reasons why AYMA CSR was created, a new space specializing in this area. The objective is to lay the foundation for a business strategy from corporate social responsibility as a process, in order to achieve the highest attainable commitment to sustainability. Therefore, we think it would be interesting to talk about the different types of social responsibility that exist, as there isn’t just one.

There are three types of social responsibility:

  1. Individual social responsibility

Beyond the business world, each one of us acts in a different way. At work, at home, in our neighborhood and even at the supermarket. Our actions as consumers have repercussions on the environment and on other human beings. How many times have you asked yourself what you could do to make other people‘s lives better or how you could make the world more sustainable?

This type of social responsibility has to do with our individual actions. Shopping at charity shops, choosing organic products, participating in volunteer projects or reducing waste can be some ways to be socially responsible. What about using a bike to get to work?

  1. Corporate social responsibility

If we move on to the business world, we know that companies and their production and sales activities have an effect not only on citizens but also on the environment – and in a much bigger way than we do at an individual level. This type of responsibility is known as CSR.

It is when businesses take their impact on citizens and on the environment into account. It seeks productivity, cost reduction and obtaining benefits without falling into exploitation, degradation of the environment or the violation of the fundamental rights of human beings.

  1. Public and governmental social responsibility

Lastly, we have the impact of actions coming from institutions and administrations that design and implement public policies, such as laws, decrees and other regulations that have a direct impact on the society and the environment.